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Our Mission is Simple.

Create a friendly, accessible resource for people interested in plant-based meal options.

No matter where you are on your vegan journey, or why you’re choosing vegan options, we want to show our support. Every time you choose a plant based meal, you make a difference - for your health, for the animals, for the planet and for the future.



Why eat a plant-based meal instead of a meat-based meal?

Every time you choose a plant-based dish, you have started the change. Reduce animal suffering, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease and save valuable resources. You would save more water by not eating one pound of meat than you would by not taking a shower for six months. Let that sink in. 

Can one meal really make a difference?

Every single meal makes a difference. If every American removed one serving of chicken per week from their diet, it would save the same amount of CO2 emissions as taking 500,000 cars off the road. That’s just removing one dish a week. Now imagine the impact of you and your friends going plant-based for two or three meals a week. 

This guide has restaurants that serve meat too, what gives?

Compromise, not condescension. Restaurants that offer plant-based options are at least trying. Find those options and let them know you came there specifically for that meal. Show them why they should add more meat-free options to their menu. Restaurants listen when it means more customers and more profit- be those customers. 

How do I ask a server or chef to veganize a meal on their menu?

Patience, not preaching. Chefs create their menus with passion, creativity and years of experience. Would you ask Van Gogh not to use the color blue? Look for easy substitutions in their dishes- can an animal protein be swapped out for a plant-based one? Are there plant-based options already on the menu that could be quickly adapted to another dish? 99% of what a chef needs to veganize a meal is already prepped and within reach. Respect their vision but give them the chance to adapt to yours. 

This site is amazing, how can I help?

Do you know of a restaurant that is not on this site? Perhaps a Vegan hack that nobody else knows? Help us track down every plant-based option in the Mid-Atlantic. Submit your tips, links, or photos to us and be sure to tag @midatlanticvegan and #midatlanticvegan on your social media posts.


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Submit tips, links or restaurant suggestions
